Cultivating community to advocate and educate.
Compassion Programs:
Laser Hair Removal Compassion Program available for PCOS and Transgender persons:
With a physician referral, the price is +50% off. This is generated on a sliding scale and dependant on funds available.
We Are MAUD Medical Foundation aims to provide financial support to individuals who would not be able to afford pelvic floor physiotherapy.
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy access for Calgary and surrounding areas. This includes pessary care by a pelvic floor physiotherapist. Application required -
HPV awareness campaign and HPV consultation and vaccination program completed in the clinic for all folks. Open for Alberta residents. Program is sponsored by Penny&Fausta Pharmacy in collaboration with the We Are Maud Foundation.
Maria Wu offers permanent make up tattoo for patients with alopecia, vitiligo, post surgery for compassion pricing. Formally known as PInk Clinic in Calgary, Maria continues to offer her expertise to people looking for eyebrow microblade in Calgary
Interested in joining our initiatives? Let’s connect!