Constipation or slow motility is something we have all struggled with at some point or another. Constipation is considered anything between 1-3 on the bristol stool chart- or stools that are hard to pass. It can be caused by many factors such as stress, poor diet, lack of activity, hormonal fluctuations, medications, and the list goes on. Sound familiar? Here are Mooi's top five tips to help support more efficient motility! Calgary’s Nutrition Consultant at MAUD Medical Clinic
Top Five Tips to Support Motility
Hydrate- If you are feeling backed up, ask yourself how much water you have been drinking over the last few days. If it is less than 2-3L daily, you may want to think about increasing your water intake to help support motility.
Move- Another question to ask yourself the next time you are feeling constipated is how much movement you have been getting. Studies suggest that even 10-15 minutes a day of physical activity can help the digestive system work more efficiently and support quicker motility. It can be as simple as integrating a quick daily walk outside. Check out this video from our pelvic floor physiotherapist on the ILU massage technique.
Eat your greens- Or any other fibre rich food. The recommended daily intake of fibre is about 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams per day for men- and many people are not hitting these targets. Fibre helps to clean out the digestive system and bulk stool to promote regular bowel movements. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are all great sources of dietary fibre. A greens powder is another great way to boost your daily veg and fibre intake with ease.
Ginger- Ginger has powerful benefits supporting efficient digestion and motility along with soothing the stomach, being an anti-nauseant and a powerful anti-inflammatory. The next time you are feeling backed up, try adding some fresh ginger to your cooking, drinking ginger tea, or taking a ginger capsule.
Magnesium Citrate- Magnesium is a mineral that is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and it comes in many forms. Magnesium citrate specifically is commonly used to treat constipation as it is an osmotic laxative meaning that it relaxes the bowels and pulls water into the intestines. For people 12 years and older, it is safe to take up 10 oz of an oral solution with 8 oz of water daily- but be sure to speak with your health care practitioner before taking any new supplements. purchase magnesium here
If you found these tips helpful or would like to chat more in depth about your digestive health, book a free nutrition consultation at Maud!
Constipation - Bristol Stool chart from Medical News Today - photo by Diego Sabogal