FAQ’s of 2022

What is the cost to see a doctor?
We are a public health service. For anyone with a valid Canadian healthcare card, there is no cost to you. 

What type of medical services do you offer? 
We can help with anything related vaginal health. Common reasons are menstrual cycle management, hormone therapy, menopause, incontinence, sexual health, sex and libido, STI, Contraceptives, fertility and early pregnancy. 

How can I see a doctor at Maud?
If you have a family doctor, they can send a referral to us by fax. Or you may self refer. Simply fill out an request online 

Can you access my health information?
Doctors across Alberta have access to your pap results, diagnostic imagining, lab reports.  Doctors can access these records as needed and there is no cost to you.

Can I continue to see a Maud doctor?
You are welcome to come to Maud as many times as you need for your vaginal / woman's health concerns. We are not a primary care facility and do not 'panel / keep patients'. Our mission is to offer access to vaginal healthcare, therefor, our physicians do not retain a panel so they are able to serve a larger portion of our community.  

Will I see the same physician at Maud every time?
For every new concern, you will likely see different doctor within Maud.  
For continuity of care, it is best practice to follow up with the same doctor for the same issue. Otherwise, when you come to Maud Medical Clinic, you will likely see the next available doctor. 


Vaginal Discharge


Most Common Symptoms of Menopause