Eating to Reduce Inflammation

Calgary Nutrition Counselling: Eating to Reduce Inflammation

Are you experiencing symptoms that you may not realize are related to inflammation? Many people simply attribute these signs to aging or something they have to live with. Do you wake up in the morning or after sitting for a while with aches and stiffness? Do you have puffy eyes, low energy, digestive problems, food sensitivities, joint pain, unexplained weight gain, or any diagnosed health condition?

Inflammation is often at the root of these issues and contributes to various health problems. It's important to note that not all inflammation is bad. Inflammation is our body's natural response to injury and plays a crucial role in the healing process. However, chronic low-grade systemic inflammation can go unnoticed until it starts causing significant problems.

Let's delve into the negative effects of inflammation. If left unaddressed, inflammation can wreak havoc on our bodies, minds, gut health, and mental well-being. But where does this detrimental inflammation come from? There are several factors, including stress and a diet high in processed foods, sugar, seed oils, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates. These two factors combine to create a perfect storm of inflammation. Chronic, unmanaged stress creates a pro-inflammatory environment in our bodies, impacting our nervous system, adrenals, cardiovascular system, gut microbiome, and every other system.

The first step in reducing inflammation is to recognize and address the stressors in our lives. Most of us underestimate the amount of stress we face daily, so it's essential to identify and manage stress to begin the process of reducing inflammation effectively.

Next, we need to evaluate how we fuel our bodies, as our diet can either increase or decrease inflammation. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is rich in omega-6 fatty acids and foods that promote oxidative stress. To combat inflammation, it's crucial to incorporate fresh, unprocessed, and organic low-glycemic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed and pastured meat and eggs, wild-caught fatty fish and seafood, soaked, sprouted, or fermented grains and legumes, and plenty of filtered water into our diets. Maintaining a proper omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, ideally around 4:1, is crucial. Unfortunately, modern diets often have ratios closer to 20:1 or higher, which leads to a constant state of heightened inflammation. Including omega-3 fatty acids in our diet helps to counteract inflammation due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

The good news is that we have control over many aspects of our inflammation levels, and it all comes down to the choices we make. Taking time to address and manage stress through activities like spending time in nature, reconnecting with loved ones, or adopting daily rituals for resetting our body, mind, and emotions can significantly reduce internal stress.

When it comes to our diet, avoiding packaged, processed, and refined foods, as well as excessive sugar, seed oils, alcohol, and low-fat, non-organic dairy products, is essential. Instead, focus on consuming natural, unprocessed foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Include healthy fats, high-quality proteins, organic fruits and vegetables, fermented dairy products, soaked, sprouted, or fermented grains and legumes (if tolerated), and, of course, drink plenty of filtered water. If you need guidance on how to adopt an anti-inflammatory lifestyle and incorporate these changes into your everyday diet, we can provide the support you need.

Maud Medical Clinic is Calgarys Vaginal Health Clinic - women owned and operated. MAUD provides expert advice on women's health nutrition, prioritizing vaginal health. Our specialized clinic offers comprehensive guidance to optimize your well-being. Visit us for trusted insights and personalized solutions.

Are you ready to prioritize your health further? Are you dealing with high levels of inflammation? Would you like assistance in identifying foods that can help rebalance your inflammation levels? Curious about the role of nutritional health coaching in facilitating healthy changes? Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with us today, or pass this offer along to someone you care about who may be dealing with inflammation. Visit our website at and sign up for a free consultation. Book an appointmetn here


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